Introducing The SmartMister

sanitiser, clean, smartmister, work place, organic,

Are you considering how to make your physical workplace environment a safer place to return for staff and clients alike?

Now more than ever it is important to ensure places we visit whether for work, leisure or care are clean and safe. Invisible viruses, bacteria and fungus can damage your business at the best of times – your staff can get sick leading to decreased productivity, your customers can get sick leading to a damaged reputation, and your company can fail to meet sanitation standards leading to legal issues or closures. You need to act now to protect your business and you need to act smartly.


“Coronavirus has made sanitising more important than ever – SmartMister has made it easier than ever to do.”


What is the SmartMister?

The SmartMister is a simple, sleek and cost-effective way to sanitise your work premises, car or home at the push of a button, hopefully enabling us to get back to some kind of normality. The device emits a safe, organic sterilising mist which disinfects the air you breathe and the surfaces you touch. It can be operated during the day or overnight and can be set to run automatically for ease of use.

Why choose the SmartMister?

The SmartMister is great for a number of reasons such as, being easy to use, cost effective, proven to work and safe to use. The SmartMister can be operated manually, controlled via the app, or set to come on automatically. Run it overnight and your entire premises will be sanitised by the morning and remain sanitised throughout the next day. Disinfecting your premises by hand with sprays or fogging machines is expensive and time-consuming. The SmartMister is a one-off investment with the small ongoing cost of top-up fluid. It has been independently tested and approved – consistently meeting British, EU, and International sanitary standards. It goes above and beyond for most businesses, as it complies with the NHS’s and World Health Organisation’s standards for sanitising rooms to a medical-grade.  The SmartMister used HOCL which is a highly effective organic solution based on our body’s own natural defences, meaning it’s safe to inhale, kind to skin, it can be used around food, and it doesn’t produce a chemically odour or taste.

How can QIS help?

QIS can help you set up your SmartMister, which will help provide a safe working, learning and caring environment, not just now but going forward in the future. Get in touch with us today!

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